Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My World-Traveling Friends

Grinnellians, I hope you've all been telling each other "see you in India!" at least once a day for the past week. (What's that? Is that the sound of one Giddy laughing...?) As Britney would say, have an awesome time, y'all!

Though she's not down in the dirt quite yet, be sure to keep abreast of S-Money's adventures in excavation this summer at her specially created Paradise LiveJournal.

And, just for fun, the run-on sentence of the week, from Green Pea-ness: "[Lucky Soul's 'Lips Are Unhappy' is] like three solid minutes of tambourine and piano and indie blisscore and GOOD LORD IT'S LIKE HAVING YOUR URETHRA LICKED BY KITTENS JUST FUCKING DOWNLOAD IT ALREADY."

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