Sunday, September 12, 2004

Offensive Celebrity Statement of the Week

Just when I was starting to not begrudge her her fame, happiness, and success, Gwyneth Paltrow lets this kind of garbage fly out of her mouth in Entertainment Weekly, re: the MTV Video Music Awards: "When you're covered in spit-up and you're kind of overweight, the idea of having someone blow out your hair and putting on a good outfit sounds nice. . . . But I just feel like an impostor now going into that world. I have to remind myself that I've got to go be Gwyneth Paltrow. And I don't even know what that means."

Kind of overweight?

A good outfit?

I don't even know what that means?


My circuits are jammed trying to get my head around how many levels of WRONG are embedded in there.

Gwynnie, we short, chubby, low-20K/year single urban gals wearing Old Navy salute you.

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