Thursday, April 29, 2004

" . . . Has Taken Its Toll On Me . . . "

I am actively irritated by how catchy that Maroon 5 "This Love" song is.

Monday, April 26, 2004

A Cosmo with Vanilla Stoli

"Five years, she thought, and I’ll never get over it, never. Every time I look at him, I know I wasted twenty years of life because I wasn’t sitting somewhere waiting for him to cross a street or a glacier or a mountain and sit down." --Kay Boyle, "The Canals of Mars"

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Learning to Love the Long Winters

But she never says I love you
'Til I say I love you
Like we're exchanging hostages
--"Nora," When I Pretend to Fall

Are you fucking kidding me? Who writes that stuff? Amazing.